
Course Content

Business Chinese Training Course

Unlock Your Path to Success in Finance and Business with Proficient Mandarin Communication

Welcome to the Business Chinese Training Course, an immersive and comprehensive learning program meticulously designed to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge required for effective communication in the dynamic world of finance and business. This course offers a strategic blend of theoretical foundations and practical applications, ensuring you gain a well-rounded understanding of the Chinese language within a professional context.

Course Overview

This course is thoughtfully divided into six meticulously crafted courses, each tailored to address specific aspects of language acquisition and application critical for your success in the competitive business landscape.

Course 1: Mastery of Business Chinese

   – Introduction to Business Chinese

   – Development of Financial Vocabulary

   – Understanding Fundamental Sentence Structures

   – Comprehending Chinese Business Culture and Polite Language

   – Reading and Interpreting Financial News/Reports

   – Role-Play Scenarios for Practical Application

   – Table Filling

   – Document Writing

*By mastering these foundations, you will navigate business conversations and documents with ease.*

Course 2: Effective Communication in Mandarin

   – Introductory Session on Communicative Mandarin

   – Application of Financial Vocabulary in Conversations

   – Understanding Professional Terms and Abbreviations in the Financial Industry

   – Reading Financial News/Reports and Paraphrasing

   – Describing Financial Charts and Providing Detailed Explanations

   – Practice Sessions for Fluent Communication

*Enhance your communication prowess, ensuring you convey your ideas persuasively and confidently.*

Course 3: Professional Interview Skills in Mandarin

   – Understanding Interview Processes from a Chinese Perspective

   – Preparing for Dress Code, Interview Skills, and Self-introduction

   – Formulating Answers to Questions on Work Experience and Education Background

   – Guidance on Scenario-based Questions, Career Planning, and Reasons for Resignation

   – Tips for Describing Self-weaknesses and Reasons for Selecting the Company

   – Understanding the Financial Industry and Practice Sessions for Apt Responses

*Master the art of acing interviews in Mandarin, setting yourself apart in job interviews.*

Course 4: Mainland Information and Investment Trends

   – Introduction to Latest News, Background Information, and Discussion Techniques

   – Decoding Investment Trends and Tips for Making Sound Investment Decisions

   – Deep Dive into Regulation Policies and Financial Market Analysis

   – Practice Sessions for Quick News Reviews and Market Updates

*Stay informed about mainland China’s dynamic financial landscape, making informed decisions.*

Course 5: Mandarin Pronunciation Correction for Native Cantonese Speakers

   – Mandarin Pinyin

   – Guidance on Mandarin Tone and Pronunciation

   – Pinyin Typing Training

   – Dissecting Differences and Similarities Between Cantonese and Mandarin

   – Identifying Common Cantonese Expressions Not Applicable for Mandarin

   – Practice Session for Pronunciation Correction

*Refine your pronunciation for crystal-clear Mandarin communication.*

Course 6: Business Presentation Skills

   – Crash Course on Business Presentation Skills and Techniques

   – Guidance on Introduction to Projects, Products, and Teams in Mandarin

   – Review of Presentation Materials and Real-time Feedback

   – Interactive Sessions for Speaking Fluency and Clarity

   – Roleplay on Financial Chart Descriptions

   – Group Activities to Master Video Conferencing Processes

*Polish your presentation abilities, ensuring you convey your ideas convincingly and professionally.*

Join us on this enriching educational journey, combining language expertise with practical applications, as we navigate the world of Business Chinese to prepare you for success in the financial industry. With awards and certifications upon course completion, you’re on your way to mastering Business Chinese and advancing your career. 

Get ready to unlock new opportunities and connect with international partners in the global business arena. 

Enroll today and embrace a future of endless possibilities!

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